Holy Ghost! Cancel Australian Tour

Sad news in more ways than one – NYC duo Holy Ghost! have canceled their Australian tour due to the untimely death of close friend and former bandmate Jerry Fuchs. It sucks we won’t get to see them live but it’s completely understandable and we hope the boys are fit to tour Australia sometime soon. Which brings us to the most perfect music video segue in Pedestrian’s short history.

UPDATE: Alex and Nick from Holy Ghost! have released the following statement…

Last week our dear friend and musical partner Jerry Fuchs (drummer of !!!, the Juan Maclean, Turing Machine, Maserati, Holy Ghost!) passed away in a tragic accident here in NYC. Due to these events, we have cancelled our Australian tour to be here in NYC with friends and family during these hard times. We regret this immensely and are particularly sorry to have made this decision at the last possible minute. As you can imagine, this past week has been a long, awful blur and rather suddenly today we realized we are just not ready to travel so far from home for what seems like an impossibly long period of time. We love Australia and are grateful to have had the opportunity to visit earlier this year. Hopefully we’ll be back again soon and we’ll get a chance to make this up to you.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding.


Alex and Nick
Holy Ghost!