Empire Of The Sun – We Are The People Clip

I’ve not been kind to “Empire Of The Sun”, a flamboyant visual aesthetic coupled with delusions of grandeur make the duo an easy target. Blame it on Australia’s inherent “tall poppy syndrome”.

But upon watching the clip for “We Are The People” it is clear that regardless of whether you like their music, the conviction and ambition with which they approach their art should be a source of inspiration not ridicule. Empire Of The Sun if you’re reading, my sincerest apologies.

It takes balls to be that guy, to embody the fantastical with unblinking conviction, to imbue your music with magic, to go out on a limb – and for that alone the duo deserve praise. Shot on location in the towns of Garcia, Xilitla and the Icamole Desert in Mexico the clip is more peyote trip than spaghetti western and picks up where “Walking On A Dream” left off: pagan, euphoric and damn near cinematic. Their lofty ambition and left-field characterization captured beautifully on celluloid.

Akin to the psyched out pop which MGMT wielded so deftly in 2008, could 2009 be the year of Empire Of The Sun? Only time will tell…