Metal Band Invites Teen Who Covered A Song To “Rip A Duet” On Final Tour

When you’re young, there’s absolutely nothing cooler than being recognised by your idols. Hell, I used to lose my shit if someone in a band I loved merely made awkward eye contact with me during their set. For one young musician, the dream of hanging out with her heroes just got turned up to 11.

US metal band The Dillinger Escape Plan are currently playing their final shows before they sadly call it quits. Reflecting on their early days, the band recently posted a video of a young group covering their song Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants at a music school.

“There’s a lot of covers out there, sometimes a friend or someone we know texts something to us to check out. Always an honor, and definitely always surreal,” the band wrote in the Facebook post.

“Today we’ve spent more time than normal talking about this one that came our way. Something about it. Remembering the feeling of just getting started…on our own before we even knew each other…being thirteen and sweating out Nirvana covers in a hot air condition-less basement with the whole world in front of you and all of the fire and attitude inside of you.”

After the mother of the singer was alerted to the post, commenting “OMG – this is my daughter!!!!”, the band responded with the coolest fucking offer of all time – Megan can we email you? Ask Sheridan if she’s down to rip a duet in late December in front of a tiny crowd of 3000 people.”

Holy shit, Sheridan, you bloody made it! As you’d expect, Megan was thrilled, replying with “are you kidding me – YES!!!!! OMG – she LOVES you guys. She is gonna FREAK OUT after school!”

Aw man, my heart. Well played, Dillinger, you absolute lords. You can check out their whole post and the video of the cover below.

We reached out to the band to confirm whether or not the duet will go ahead, but haven’t heard back just yet.

Dillinger will be out here later this month to play their last lot of shows for Aussie punters. They’re by far and away my favourite band to see live and cannot recommend getting a ticket enough.