A Kanye West Recent Rant And Rave Roundup

Zane Lowe really opened up some floodgates with that interview. Kanye West, bringer of maybe the most unintentionally hilarious music video of the year with ‘Bound 2’ has done and said a whole lotta krazy recently, with the rapper changing his generally media-averse stance and appearing on multiple radio shows (on stations with names like HOT 97 and POWER 99) over the last 48 hours or so, ranting about this, that and the other.

There’s almost not enough space on the Pedestrian servers to list down all the madness spewing forth from the silver-grilled mouth of the Hermes Of Verses, so we’ll keep it brief. Here’s the top four snippets of knowledge that Mr Kim Kardashian has rained down upon us recently:

1. Kanye Tells New Yorkers To Boycott Louis Vuitton

Clearly he’s no longer the Louis Vuitton Don, and it’s no longer Louis Vuitton Dime Night (whatever that means), because Mr West, incensed that the head of Louis V didn’t want to meet with him, urged New Yorkers to boycott the luxury brand.

“I was made for this moment. What happened was while I was out in Paris I wanted to meet with the head of Louis Vuitton, he said I don’t understand why we need to meet with you. I said, ‘let me explain to you why you need to meet with me.’ Everybody in New York City right now don’t buy any Louis Vuitton until after January. Now do you want to meet with me? Now do you want to meet with me? Influence. They think that I don’t realise my power.” The ability to bring down a multi-million dollar luxury goods label with just an instruction to his legions of followers? No one man should have all that power.

2. Kanye Has Ditched Nike For Adidas

The switch stems from Kanye feeling that Nike didn’t promote his Air Yeezy sneakers hard enough, because they refuse to pay royalties for his designs.

“Michael Jordan has 5%, that business is $2 billion. He makes a $100 million dollars a year off of 5% royalties. Nike told me we can’t give you royalties because you’re not a professional athlete. I told them, ’I go to the Garden and play one-on-no-one. I’m a performance athlete’… The old me without a daughter might have taken the Nike deal ’cause I just love Nike so much. But the new me with a daughter takes the Adidas deal because I have royalties and I have to provide for my family.”

In the same interview, Kanye promised to be “the Tupac of product” and “bigger than Walmart”. In another interview, he mentioned a product line, that can be expected in September next year, which is “gonna be Ralph Lauren meets Steve Jobs meets Walt Disney meets David Stern meets every visionary through our culture.” Big talk.

3. Kanye Doesn’t Like Being On Keeping Up With The Kardashians… Because Of The Cinematography

“I don’t really do her show just because I don’t particularly like the way the producers shoot some of the shots. I’m very meticulous to that, right? I like to get a different DP [director of photography] or whatever.”

He would probably prefer it if Keeping Up With The Kardashians featured more naked Kim on the front of a motorcycle. It’s a good thing ‘Ye wants to keep away – as we’ve seen before, when he does turn up on Kim’s show, it’s awkward as hell.

4. Kanye is Already Working On The Follow-Up To Yeezus

In potentially the only bit of news worth getting excited about, Ye hopes to release his seventh album (The Second Coming of Yeezus, perhaps?) by the middle of next year, and he wants to put out another G.O.O.D. Music (his label) compilation, similar to 2012’s Cruel Summer album, creatively titled Cruel Winter. “I haven’t named my next album but I have started on it,” West said, reiterating, once again, that he’d “like to put out more product,” but not ever really saying what that “product” actually is.

Via Rolling Stone, Grazia, Stereogum and Vanity Fair