Vin Diesel Reclaims ‘Dad Bod’ From Everyone Shaming His Cuddly Bits

Star of the action/car-chase genre Vin Diesel has, overnight, reclaimed the public narrative about his body by posting photos of himself in peak physical form on Instagram.
The Fast and Furious star has copped a nasty bit of fat-shaming this week, after topless pap shots emerged of him on his balcony during a ciggie break, “sporting a softer physique” which the tabloids swiftly branded a ‘dad bod’.
Dude probably just had a decadent lunch and let it all hang out for comforts’ sake, FFS.
Vinny – who is currently on a press tour for his new film Last Witch Hunter – wasn’t too fazed about the shots, until several perverts *journalists* started pushing the subject, even flat-out asking to see his ‘dad bod’. THE NERVE.

And, being the proud owner of rock hard abdominals, Vinnie D had no qualms shutting the dicks down by lifting up his shirt on his own terms to reveal just what his ‘dad bod’ looks like in better lighting.
FWD that to the haters.
Images via People magazine/ Instagram.