Woman Dies Watching Porn

Dying of sudden heart failure during heightened sexual arousal generally only happens to 60 something men whilst they are “getting their rocks off” with 20 something women who may or may not be “paid”. There have also been several cases involving famous people- Nelson Rockerfeller, Atilla the Hun and Pope Paul II. Once again, all MEN.

It DEFINITELY doesn’t happen to 30 something women who just happen to spend a quiet night in with Redtube and a pack of Double AAs.

Sadly, this theory has been disproven by 30 year old British nanny, Nicola Paginton, found dead in her bed with her vibrator and a pornographic film playing on her laptop.
I don’t know whether to cry or be happy for her. She certainly died with “a girl’s best friend” by her side and was most likely happy. She has however, unfortunately lost a great amount of dignity, and when it comes down to it, no-one wants to die alone .

Let this be a lesson for everyone. (God help us all).

Via ninemsn