We Asked Why People’s Rents Banned ‘The Simpsons’ & It Was A Wild Ride

We live in a future where The Simpsons is indisputably the cultural touchstone from which a large swathe of contemporary pop culture and comedy blossoms. Even people with zero sense of humour are able to insert themselves into the comedic zeitgeist by artlessly repeating a good Simpsons gag. 

Which is why people who have never watched the show are complete pariahs, locked out of at least 50% of the regular cultural references made by their peers. Some of these people legitimately are broken and lack taste. They cannot be helped. However, some people are cursed from childhood – their parents never let them watch it, and the bandwagon was too far gone for them to catch up on.
Everyone remembers these Rod and Todd Flanderses in primary school who were banned from watching the show by their parents. While every other kid was gorging themselves on reruns of episodes, ensuring that every single quote was seared into their cerebellum for eternity, these poor kids were watching – I assume – 7th Heaven.
Reflecting on this, I made an extremely innocent tweet about it:

The replies finally shed some light onto the myriad and baffling reasons why parents decided that a cartoon about yellow humans was simply too extreme to be shown to a child, and the deep, deep alienation that results:

There’s also this extremely on-point observation, from the other side of the fence. Before the DVD release, even the most insanely obsessed Simpsons fan had one or two episodes they inexplicably had never seen:

This however is the absolute best response:

Please. Pray for our deprived peers.
Source: Twitter.
Photo: The Simpsons.