The Lady Noire Affair

Hot on the vertiginous heels of Audrey Tautou’s Chanel No. 5 campaign is the following video for the house of Dior starring fellow French actress Marion Cotillard.

Titled “The Lady Noire Affair” Cotillard is reunited with “La Vie En Rose” Director Olivier Dahan (much like the one-two punch of Tautou and “Amelie” Director Jean-Pierre Jenuet for Chanel) and finds Dior embracing all aspects of social media including trailers, behind the scenes videos, print ads, widgets and a Lady_Dior Twitter account so you can keep abreast of the stories developments. Our favourite Tweets are suitably enigmatic and just a tad melodromatic: “J-1: The telephone rings. ‘She did it’ says a voice”, “J-5: Three silhouettes arrive at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower” and “J-7: Someone is trying to unscrew the lock on the door”.