The Full Trailer For Netflix’s ‘Wet Hot American Summer’ Has Officially Landed

In no particular order*, there are at least twenty four fucking great reasons for you to be keen as hell for the Netflix-helmed reboot of ‘Wet Hot American Summer: First Day Of Camp‘ at the end of the month. Those being: 

1. Amy Poehler
2. Paul Rudd
3. Elizabeth Banks 

4. Michael Ian Black
5. Bradley Cooper
6. Judah Friedlander 
7. Janeane Garofalo
8. Joe Lo Truglio 
9. Ken Marino
10. Christopher Meloni
11. Marguerite Moreau
12. Zak Orth
13. David Hyde Pierce
14. Molly Shannon 
15. Michael Showalter
16. Jon Hamm 
17. Kristen Wiig
18. John Slattery
19. Michael Cera
20. Jordan Peele
21. Josh Charles
22. Chris Pine
23. Weird Al
24. Jason Schwartzman

An extended trailer, adding to the teaser already bestowed upon us, is here. Go fondle your sweaters, friends, because it truly is a HAPPY FRIDAY.

*except the first two. Duh.