Stone Bros Ticket Giveaway

If you combined the low brow humour of a stoner buddy flick (How High) with the travelling hi-jinks of a road trip film (Ummm Road Trip) you’d probably get Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, transplant that comedic formula to the Australian Outback however, and you end up with Stone Bros.

The premise is thus: Eddie is disgruntled with city life and decides it’s time to reconnect with his blackfella roots, so he takes off in his beat-up Ford Fairmont to find and return a sacred stone to his hometown, Kalgoorlie. What he hadn’t bargained for was his skirt-chasing, hard-living cousin Charlie (Leon Burchill) forcing himself along for the ride. Eddie’s spiritual quest takes a further detour when they encounter an Italian sex-god (Valentino Del Toro), a soul-searching cop (Peter Phelps), a failed drag singer (David Page) and a demon dog possessed by Charlie’s jilted girlfriend.

The film is set for release on 24th September and Pedestrian are giving away 20 double passes. To win all you have to do is email and tell us about your own “Stone Bros” adventures. Check out the trailer below…

Stone Bros. Trailer from Australian Film Syndicate on Vimeo.