Ryan Reynolds Once Again Endured One Of Taylor Swift’s Holiday Shindigs

ryan reynolds taylor swift new year's party

In case you hadn’t started your 2019 off by feeling totally inadequate compared to celebrity millionaires, here’s Taylor Swift and her star-studded New Year’s Eve dress-up party to put things into tragic perspective.

The location: Swift’s house. The guests: Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Gigi Hadid and Iris Apatow, among others. The theme: dress like your childhood hero. Shit. That’s adorable.

Swift was notorious for chucking insane bashes for a while there, and after taking a year or so off, it appears she’s back to hassling her celebrity friends and acquaintances into acting as very attractive party props. Looking at you, Reynolds. That gin-chugging face is pure Hello Darkness My Old Friend.

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Costumes included Mary Poppins (Gigi Hadid, that skirt is not screen-accurate), Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz (Blake Lively, being perfect), Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, Gwen Stefani circi 1997, Mr Toad from The Wind in the Willows (Ryan Reynolds’ choice, and very poorly executed might I add), Avril Lavigne, Nancy Drew, Rizzo, Cinderella, Posh Spice and Steve Irwin.

The High Snake herself dressed as Ariel from The Little Mermaid, complete with crab purse, and frankly it’s a great look.

(Can we also briefly discuss the charming normalcy of Chateau Swift’s party snacks? Cheese board, veggie sticks and dips, and what looks like an entire plate of crackers – I am very on board with this as a New Year’s concept.)

The party and its theme has sparked a lively conversation on Twitter about who you’d go as if you were lucky enough to cop an invite. Aside from Taylor Swift herself (which constituted the majority of the responses, naturally), there are some excellent childhood heroes floating around out there.



Fortunately celebrity theme parties are completely fair game, so by all means begin planning your own childhood hero-themed dress up party for the coming months. I personally have already begun preparations for my costume: Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill, the blue centaur alien from the Animorphs series.

Animorphs is on Netflix.

I have a lot of work to do. 2019 is going to be a great year.