Russell Crowe Calls Bullsh*t on Oscar’s Nomination Snubs

You know when Russell Crowe calls anything you better run – because that means he has a phone in his hand and he throws phones faster than I can come up with tenuous links back to that time he threw a phone at a hotel concierge. Romp Stomping Russ has taken to – what else – Twitter to express his outrage at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, also known as Oscar’s, snubbing of both Ryan Gosling and Albert Brooks for their respective performances in Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive. Crowe eloquently tweeted the following:

Similarly, although with perhaps more comedic finesse, grace and imagination, Patton Oswalt took to Twitter in what was undoubtedly the reason behind its creation: to create a fantasy world in which fellow Oscar rejects get boozed, sing Bowie karaoke and rent out Legoland. What a wonderful world it would be.

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