Ruby Rose Makes Millisecond Debut In Excellent OITNB Season 3 Teaser

Team Straya has recently doubled its offering to a casual 2 inmates on Netflix’s flawless ‘Orange Is The New Black‘ (the first, in case the broad as hell accent fooled you, is the Aussie lass Yael Stone, AKA lippy, mouthy Morello) with the addition of Ruby Rose as the latest Piper-Alex love triangle bae. 

Today, appetites have become truly whet for OITNB’s third season, coming to US Netflix on June 12, after all your favourite boos reenacted Leanne’s “Stop, Don’t Talk To Me” song with stirring passion. They’re all there, plus a suspiciously sweet-looking Ruby Rose for a literal millisecond, and some other bespectacled broad at 0:18 who either emanates a severe case of face-blindness, is an extra, or is also an enthralling new Litchfield inmate.

Ruby Rose follows Big Boo at 0:10. Per IMDB, Ruby Rose will star in at least one episode—titled “Gay Feet”—and will be known as Stella Carlin. Watch below.

You blinked right past her, right? Observe: