Rockstar Keep Teasing A New ‘Red Dead’ & Fans Are Madly Jizzing Themselves

We reported yesterday that Rockstar Games changed their social media icons and posted a very simple graphic which sent fans into a minor frenzy about the possibility of a new Red Dead Redemption a sequel to the wildly popular Western released in 2010. Six years is a long time to wait.

Because the hype train has no brakes and Rockstar know they have fans by the short and danglies, they can keep this shit going. They’ve posted another teasing image – this time of a group of figures silhouetted against a red sunset.

The image does seem to disprove rumours that this was just a next-gen remake of Redemption, as the original game doesn’t quite fit the bill of seven silhouetted figures. This seems like a whole new kettle of fish.
Rockstar – who also develop Grand Theft Auto – are probably the only developer who could build this much insane hype for one of their games. This stems from the fact that they’re both extremely good and take a looooong, long time to make.
The comments are kinda of like insane mass mysteria:
C’mon Rockstar. Just tell us. These poor fans cannot handle another agonising hour.
Source: Facebook / Twitter.
Photo: Red Dead Redemption.