The Cut Is Getting Thrashed For Calling Priyanka Chopra A “Scam Artist”

Priyanka Chopra

The Cut – online branch of New York Magazine – have apologised for a bizarre article which labelled Priyanka Chopra “scam artist” for her recent wedding to Nick Jonas. 

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The article, literally titled ‘Is Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ Love For Real?’, fully questioned Chopra and Jonas’ relationship going as far as to end the article by telling Jonas to “gallop away as fast as you can”. 

In screenshots obtained by India Todaywriter Mariah Smith begins her since-deleted article by declaring Chopra a “superstar. She’s stunning talented, and recently took on the Jonas surname.” 

It seems that she has it all – well, if “it all” includes marrying someone related to Kevin Jonas. But there’s something that not many people know, or choose to accept, about the global sensation that is Priyanka: She is a modern-day scam artist, in my opinion. That’s right: Nicholas Jonas married into a fraudulent relationship against his will this past Saturday, December the 1st, and I’ll tell you why I think so.

In screenshots posted to TwitterSmith continues by just straight-out writing that Chopra’s plan all along – because she’s 34-years-old – was to find a husband ASAP and to make as much money off of it as possible.

Credit: Twitter

Oh, but wait, Smith is not done yet.

Credit: India Today


As Nine pointed out earlier today – Chopra actually did ask Jonas if he was comfortable on a horse.

In the couple’s interview with Voguethe actor asked her now-husband:

“‘Are you comfortable on a horse?’ It suddenly occurs to Chopra to ask.

“‘I am,’ Jonas says. ‘I can’t wait.’”

As you can bloody imagine, the backlash hit hard with Jonas’ brother Joe Jonas and fiancée Sophie Turner ripping into the article on Twitter.

Today, The Cut replaced the article with a statement from the editor apologising to their readers, Jonas, and Chopra. 

“Last night, the Cut published a post about Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra’s relationship that shouldn’t have gone up. We’ve received dozens of messages from readers expressing their anger. We want you to know that we hear you and we’re sorry. 

“The whole piece missed the mark. There is no good explanation for this other than human error and poor judgement. This was a mistake, and we apologise to our readers and to Priyanka and Nick.”