Phillip Seymour Hoffman For New P.T. Anderson Film

If I was to criticize one aspect of Paul Thomas Anderson’s stirring “There Will Be Blood” it would be the distinct lack of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Be it a sexually ambiguous porn boom operator or an endearing male nurse, Hoffman bought a dignified warmth to Anderson’s earlier ensemble dramas .

Now they’re both at the top of their game – see Anderson’s Oscar Nominated “There Will Be Blood” and Hoffman’s Oscar winning turn as Truman Capote – the duo have reunited for an as yet unnamed period drama that should interest that Oscar guy. Variety reports:

“Anderson has written an untitled period drama that is set up at Universal. Hoffman, who has played supporting roles in most of Anderson’s past films, would this time be the centerpiece.

Hoffman will play “The Master,” as in “master of ceremonies,” a charismatic intellectual who hatches a faith-based organization that begins to catch on in America in 1952.

The core is the relationship between The Master and Freddie, a twenty-something drifter who becomes the leader’s lieutenant. As the faith begins to gain a fervent following, Freddie finds himself questioning the belief system he has embraced, and his mentor.”