Natasha Lyonne Doing Her Fucked Up Clapping Is The Only Emmys Content You Need

There’s always one of ’em. This year, it’s Natasha Lyonne – taking the crown off Nicole Kidman for weirdest bloody clap at an awards show for this 2019 Emmy Awards abomination.

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Look, we all have our weird thing. I pull bits of hair under my nose and hold them there like a moustache, OK? I am not a perfect being. And neither is Natasha, because look at this.

Like you can’t even blame that on anything, like “I’m trying not to bang my rings together”, it’s just all-round bizarre. The way a tiny baby claps, is what that is. A tiny baby that isn’t sure how to use it’s hands yet.

Of course, the entire internet saw the 2.2 second moment and have memorialised it. This is what happens when you go to an awards show before you attend Clap School, Natasha. I’m sorry but this is how it is.

Look, I’m allowing the clapping because she fucking BROUGHT IT in the fashion stakes.

Also Russian Doll is life, and she has my hair in it so I must support any women doing the giant curly mop thing, we need all the love we can get.