Miss Universe Australia Finalist Angrily Insists that Contest Is “Rigged”

If you can’t beat ’em, talk smack about them on social media when their backs are turned. This is the principle adopted by Miss Universe Australia finalist Kristy Coulcher, who took to the internet following Friday night’s event to claim that the whole contest is one big lie.

News Limited report that, in a post that now appears to be deleted, Coulcher wrote that “@missuniverseaustralia may be rigged, but I still had the best gown by far.” Hah! Way to tag them so they know you’re saying mean stuff about them.

Clarifying her remarks, Coulcher said that she feels the winner of the contest is “pre-selected”, and that while she’s not sad for her own sake, but rather “for all of the girls that have worked hard throughout the week and on the night.”

After a quick smoke break behind the P.E. block, Coulcher added that winner Tegan Martin is not even that smart, and that fellow contestants overheard her practicing her answers before the Q&A session.

“At the state [final] she wasn’t too quick answering the question, and it was quite a simple question too,” Coulcher said, “[so] to rapid fire such a fantastic response is a little bit questionable.”


Miss Universe Australia officials say that the pageant is impartial and impossible to rig. Tegan Martin herself has not commented so far, but as a two-time runner-up, it’s fair to say that a few times she’s been around that track and it’s not just gonna happen like that cuz she ain’t no hollaback girl.

via News Limited
Picture: Brendon Thorne via Getty Images