Logan Paul Announces Return, Gets Immediately Savaged By The Internet

Right off the back of some fresh embarrassment in the form of a comment on Cardi B’s InstagramYouTube sensation and former Vine star Logan Paul is back for his weekly dose of humiliation.

After announcing his return to YouTube via an insanely over-dramatic teaser video, people were a bit dubious about why he was returning to the platform at all.

Then, he went ahead and dropped the actual video and people were most definitely not here for it.




Logan’s life has been quite the shit-show since he posted an extremely insensitive video of himself at Japan‘s suicide forest. On top of that, he treated Japan’s extremely polite and reserved culture like a joke and became a real-life caricature of the annoying American tourist.

Logan then went on a bit of soul-searching to figure out what on earth he could have possibly done wrong (???) and posted a heartfelt apology video, which now seems fairly redundant as the first thing he says in his new vlog is how no other YouTuber could take a three-week break and still gain subscribers.

Yeah, sick m8.

As much as I know it’s not gonna happen… can we pls leave Logan Paul in 2017?