Leighton Meester For Reebok

Following in the footsteps of Chuck Bass’ K-Swiss endorsement and ‘lil Jenny Humphrey’s Nike spot is the new Reebok print campaign starring Queen B, I mean Leighton Meester. It does beg the question – would Blair Waldorf be caught dead in Reebok high-tops? Methinks not.

Besides endorsing footwear the above trio are also of the “my first love is music so it’s completely co-incidental that I’m using my TV fame to leverage a singing career” persuasion. Jen Humphrey’s band is called The Reckless, Chuch Bass’ is called The Filthy Youth, Leighton Meester is going solo and I’m gonna kill myself. You can look forward to shitty singles as well as signature footwear in the coming months!