Kidz By Collete Calls It Quits

Kidz By Colette, the infamous French blog responsible for so many big leaks on the blog-house scene has shut up shop.

For a week Kidz HQ has been down, the site now greeting MP3-hungry kids with the blog equivalent of a kick in the pants citing a server error. Word is out that after constant wrangling with artists and labels over the amount of leaked content Kidz By Colette was shut down.

A mainstay of the French circuit has said that “After all the leaks and the stolen tracks, he had one month to remove all the copyrighted tracks and he decided not to. Therefore his blog closed and some court actions are still on the way against him in France.”

While it’d normally be a teary farewell to such a big blog, we’ve got a feeling you’ll be able to find more from them over at