Kate Moss throws a tanty

No one could ever accuse the GQ Men of the Year Awards of being ‘just another boring awards show’. Last year, a wasted Lily Allen hurled the “F” word at Sir Elton John on stage before he informed her he could ‘snort her under the table any day.’ This year it seems it was Allen’s good friend, Kate Moss’ turn to spit the dummy.

And she was doing so well too.
Moss had managed to stay on the straight and narrow since that viral video scandal in 2005, even recently scoring the new Yves Saint Laurent campaign †Parisienne’.

In fact this latest installment just happened to be a †wrong place in the wrong time’ kind of moment. Well, the fact that it was made public anyway.

Irish actor and host for the evening, James Nesbitt cracked a funny at the awards on Tuesday night that apparently wasn’t to Moss’ liking.
He joked that the 35-year-old beauty ‘has still got it. Well, she should do, I gave it to her just before she came on stage’ before adding as a cheeky afterthought ‘What? I’m talking about my telephone number.’

Minutes later she was caught flouncing out of a backstage interview room, barging past †Woman of the Year’ winner Lily Allen muttering, ‘He’s so fucking rude. I’m never coming to one of these fucking award ceremonies again.’

Thing is, Allen along with Dizzee Rascal who had won †Solo Artist of the Year’, was half way through being interviewed on camera.

While Allen could only manage a bit of an awkward giggle and hand-to-the-mouth action, Dizzee had a few other words to say.
After Moss ducked back through seconds later looking for a lost lipstick, Dizzee quipped, ‘Kate Moss has lost her fucking lipstick- fucking disaster.’

You said it Dizzee, not us.

Main Image by: Carl Court via Getty