John Oliver Nets His Very Own HBO Show

The Daily Show’s perma-baffled UK correspondent who is secretly trolling you and who stars sporadically as Greendale Community College‘s psychology professor Dr. Ian Duncan, John Oliver, has been granted the keys to a brand new HBO vehicle which looks, sounds and smells a lot like the one currently being driven by his former Daily Show boss and mentor, Jon Stewart

Oliver, entrusted over the summer to preside over The Daily Show news desk while Stewart was directing his feature film debut, Rosewater, in The Middle East, performed so admirably that the heads of HBO programming were like “Mmm I’ll order me some of that weird British stuff,” and the rest, as they say, is history.

I’m incredibly excited to be joining HBO,” Oliver said, “Especially as I presume this means I get free HBO now. I want to thank Comedy Central, and everyone at The Daily Show for the best seven and a half years of my life. But most of all, I’d like to thank Jon Stewart. He taught me everything I know. In fact, if I fail in the future, it’s entirely his fault.”

The series will be a weekly topical comedy series, presenting a satirical look at news, politics, and current events and will air sometime next year on HBO.

Until we meet again old chum…