Jason Schwartzman Stars In ‘Yo Teach

The weird thing about ‘Yo Teach the below viral video for Judd Apatow’s upcoming feature “Funny People”, is that even though it’s an an intentionally formulaic and kinda lame rehash of high school sitcoms in the vein of Welcome Back Kotter and Saved By The Bell if it was real I’d probably watch it.

The faux-series stars Jason Schwartzman as the free spirited and inspiring Mr. Bradford who, armed with a mustard suit jacket, unconventional teaching methods and modicum knowledge of youth culture educates and engages his ethnically diverse and under achieving class. Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society ain’t got nothing on Mr. Bradford and as far as we know none of Teach’s students have committed suicide yet.

In just over three minutes we’re treated to an “aw shucks” moment of saccharine reassurance, a gaudy laugh track, an asian nerd and an analogy between modern day rappers and Shakespeare: “Do you guys know who the greatest rapper of all time is? William Sh-Sh-Sh-Shakespeare. Right the OG Big Willy.” God I wish this was real.

Title Image by Frazer Harrison via Getty