Hold On To Your Childhoods, ‘Cos a Live-Action ‘Lion King’ Film Is A-Comin’

To the collective scream of “MY CHIIIIIIIIILDHOOD” by millions of tortured souls who were born in 1990, Disney has announced that it is continuing its long death march to remake all your animated favourites as live-action movies. The next cab off the rank? The Lion King.

Yup. After the wild, wild success of The Jungle Book (which was pretty decent, tbh) Disney has once again tapped director Jon Favreau to take the reigns on one of its most beloved lion-based properties.
Apparently, the film – unlike Jungle Book – will feature no human actors. Seeing as the animals in Jungle Book were all sickeningly realistic CGI creations, it’s worth wondering what will actually be ‘live-action’ about this film other than the scenery. But who am Ito judge?
Like The Jungle Book, it will feature modified versions of the songs from the original, which in this case were originally penned by Tim Rice and Elton John. Jon Favreau is clearly quite keen:

It’s definitely an interesting new era for Disney. We’re still waiting on the new, live-action version of Beauty & The Beast, too – that open opens in March next year.
Hold onto your childhoods, kiddos. It’s gonna be a wild one!
Source: The Guardian.
Photo: The Lion King.