“Highly Intimate” Pictures of Carla Bruni Stolen

France’s First Lady, former model and sometime songstress Carla Bruni must be sweating in her immaculate Dior suit after “highly intimate” photos were stolen from the home of Julien Enthoven the brother of Bruni’s former lover Raphael Enthoven.

The personal and potentially compromising photos were housed in a laptop and entrusted to Julien, for safekeeping reasons by his brother Raphael who is also the Father of Bruni’s seven year old son Aurelien. Police have reported that the laptop as well as a digital camera were stolen last weekend from Julien’s Paris home stating: “The thieves appeared to know exactly what they were looking for, taking highly intimate prints, a camera full of further images, videos and numerous computer files,”.

“They broke into Mr Enthoven’s flat in Rue Dauphine, in the sixth arrondissement, on Sunday night, smashing a window in the sitting room which looks out on to the courtyard.” This certainly doesn’t bode well for the newly demure Mrs. Sarkozy, who toned down her image noticeably after the resurfacing of nude shots from her modeling days. Things could get a whole lot worse.