Madman Gordon Ramsay Says He’s Been Asked To Put Cocaine In His Desserts

Complete and utter madman Gordon Ramsay has revealed one of the more wild aspects of being a celebrity chef, saying that cashed-up diners at his restaurants have asked him, on multiple occasions, to lace their desserts with a little nose candy.

He revealed this not-entirely-shocking but still highly amusing information while promoting Gordon Ramsay On Cocaine, an upcoming two-part ITV documentary in which he looks at the drug’s impact on the UK and the rest of the world.

Speaking about his own experiences, the 50-year-old chef said:

I saw cocaine quite early on in my career. I’ve been served it. I’ve been given it. I’ve had my hand shaken and left with little wraps of foil in it. I’ve been asked to dust cocaine on top of soufflés, to put it on as icing sugar … coke’s everywhere. It’s spiralling out of control.

Ramsay also spoke of the impact the drug has had on his own life, and the death of friend and protégé David Dempsey in a cocaine-related mishap in 2003. “With soaring cocaine deaths in Britain and along the coke supply chain, I’m determined to understand the criminal business behind this deadly drug,” he explained.

The chef visited coca farmers in Colombia for the documentary, and watched in astonishment as they covered the leaves in cement powder, sulphuric acid, petroleum and battery acid for processing. “I’ve cooked some serious shit in my life but nothing quite on this level,” he said.

The trailer for Gordon Ramsay On Cocaine appears to be geoblocked for viewers outside the UK, but if you need a bit of a fix of your favourite sweary chef, go ahead and enjoy the classic Amy’s Baking Company episode of Kitchen Nightmares: