Chris Pratt Would Like Dinosaurs in the Parks & Recreation Finale

Parks & Recreation is heading into its seventh and final season this year, and the stars of the show are thinking about how it’s all going to end. A few weeks ago, Retta let slip that the reason for the show’s several-year time jump is that Amy Poehler didn’t particularly feel like working with babies, after having some herself. Fair play, I guess that as the star, she gets to call the shots with that sort of thing.

Speaking to Entertainment WeeklyChris Pratt said that he feels it’s about time for the show to wrap up, and knowing that the end is in sight will give the writers the chance to finish things off in the right spirit. “You know, every season we were on the bubble,” he said. “They never knew if we were coming back so they never knew if they were writing a series finale or a season finale.” 
“This year they’re going to know they are writing a series finale so I think they can really look at it as a graceful and appropriate ending to a wonderful show full of characters that we all loved playing,” he continued. “[We’re] going to give this thing the ending that it deserves and give the fans something that they can really enjoy — complete the stories for these characters.”
Asked about his vision for the finale, Pratt said that he’d like to see Pawnee go out in a blaze of glory, during a dinosaur attack. “Jurassic World crossover,” he said of the ending. “They are killed by dinosaurs — in space, incidentally.” If that happens, it’s probably going to be Jerry‘s fault for breeding raptor-raccoon hybrids or something. Dammit, Jerry.
In the meantime, enjoy this picture of a serious-looking Chris Pratt in full-on action star mode, released by Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow over the weekend:
Photo: Dimitros Kambouris via Getty Images