We Need To Talk About Cass’ Blatant Slut-Shaming And Body-Shaming On Bachie In Paradise

bachelor in paradise cass

Tonight’s episode of Bachelor In Paradise saw our first intruder Jess enter paradise, and the claws have already come out between a few of the girls.

Listen, I know it’s a reality TV show and we all ~live~ for the drama but we really need to talk about Cass and her totally inappropriate behaviour in tonight’s episode.

Not just a bit of light bitching, we’re talking some real Regina George shit.

There’s a lot to unpack here, so you might want to sit down for this.

For starters, she blatantly slut-shamed Jess behind her back for working as a stripper. It goes without saying that there’s nothing wrong with sex work, but this is even more upsetting considering Ciarran – who Cass was absolutely keen on – has also worked as a stripper (which again is totally fine).


Obviously, sex work isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (although you should hear this sex worker’s take on it if you’re vehemently against it), but you don’t get to pick and choose who you support and who you slut-shame. Pick one.


Do you like tatted up strippers? Or do you *not* like tatted up strippers?

It’s 2020 and we simply aren’t going to tolerate this anti-sex work bullshit anymore.


After exposing her as a stripper before she even had the chance to defend herself (or tell people herself), Cass proceeded to make a snide comment about Jess’ weight.


This one *really* upset fans. If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or body image, regardless of your size, you know how damaging these comments can be, especially when you’re entering a new environment and probably already feeling anxious as hell.

It didn’t take long for Twitter users to call this moment out.

Seriously, what the fuck?


I know, I know, reality TV shows thrive off this sort of bitching and drama, but there’s a difference between Abbie *maybe* coming across as a little intense and Cass blatantly bullying the other girls.

Whether it’s Cass to Abbie or Cass to Jess or anyone, this schoolyard bullying needs to stop.


Everyone on the show is trying to shoot their shot, and obviously feelings will get hurt. But you’d think in 2020 we could just cut it with the slut-shaming and women attacking other women, right?