#CampaignForKarl Kicks Off With The 10 Best Karl Stefanovic Gifs

It’s no secret that here at Pedestrian, we loves us some Karl Stefanovic. The Today host, Gold Logie winner and ridiculous man is a constant provider of hilarity to Australians both young and old. And we wanna drink beers with him.

This week we launched our Campaign For Karl, and we need your help to get Karl on board for a meet and greet with 200 of his biggest fans. We’re aiming for 10,000 Likes on this article, so spread the word via #CampaignForKarl – tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell everyone to get on board the Karl Train!

Proving that Karl’s shenanigans are just as awesome in “short looping animation” form as they are in “full motion video with sound” form, here’s 10 of the best Karl Stefanovic Gifs from around the web.