Aaron Paul Apologies For Trolling Fans Over Fake ‘Breaking Bad’ Spinoff

Come at ‘Breaking Bad‘ fans with an intricately executed social media strategy to hint at a BB spinoff, and you best not miss, Aaron Paul, for we are are fans not to be meddled with. 

The saga of a prank serving no purpose whatsoever went down like this. On instagram during the past week, Aaron Paul teased followers with “top secret” news to come. 

Saying, “Thank you angel for sending this to me“? It’s about as sure as saying, “Breaking Bad 2.0 is coming“. Don’t blame fans for jumping to such conclusions. Loins were being preemptively girded for the coming news. Beating hearts were attempted to be stilled. 

So on Periscope yesterday, Aaron Paul announced the “news” in a (very choppy, apologies) 12 minute livestream – the kicker of which (announcing he made the whole thing up) is lost to internet garbled glitch.

Why you do this, Aaron Paul. 

AP later apologised on Twitter, reminding us of his love. 

You can watch Aaron Paul shamelessly crush dreams below. Meanwhile, Paul has been officially announced as lead star on Hulu drama ‘The Way‘, a ten-part series on a “controversial movement struggling with relationships, marriage and power.” But then again, that could all be a lie.