6 Beers of Separation – Episode 5

We’re almost through the six pack so our fearless foursome desperately need to be within striking distance of their idols. That sounded a tad creepy. No stalker vibes I promise.

Meaghan meets up with some campedy camp stylist who advise her to “sex it up” while simultaneously realizing that LA really is as superficial as “The Hills” made it out to be. She then decides to camp out at the Madden brother’s LA store, which, if I’m not mistaken, she could have done from the start without sharing a drop of beer. Sorry Meaghan but you get the award for most inefficient use of beers.

Ruwan on the other hand gets the grand tour of the cavernous production studio helmed by Art Director Michael Gaw who has lent his creative expertise to the likes of Nike and Pink but more importantly gets the contact deets of his hero Dave Meyer. He’s so close he can smell it. Just look at his eyes, he’s got the fire.

Oliver is in the midst of penning a script to perform with his hero Will Arnett and thinks that if Will “saw my stand up he would get it”. That’s a mighty bold claim Oliver because unlike Will we’ve seen your routine and it’s more awkward than Awkward Boners or Awkward Family Photos. It’s pretty much awkward family photo boners.

Matt is his usual wide eyed self. You could power Australia’s streetlights on that dude’s enthusiasm.

With one beer to go it’ll be a photo finish!