These Brissy Sisters Started A Fashion Label As Teens, Now Kendall & Ari Wear Their Shit

There’s just something about watching an Aussie business thrive overseas that makes me feel proud as all hell – we are a country of smart, hot, creative humans and we deserve the recognition. But when that business is a FASHION LABEL, is run by WOMEN and is not only surviving, but thriving during these uncertain times, well just call me the fucking happiest little Vegemite of all.

C’mon Aussie!

Verge Girl is an Australian fashion label that was started by Daniella Dionyssiou and Natalia Suesskow, two sisters from Brissy. You know that feeling when you finally locate that exact item that say, highest paid model in the world – Kendall Jenner is wearing and you can like… actually afford it – like not even have to wait ’till pay day to buy it? Thats the best way to describe Verge Girl.

That’s Kendall looking like a million bucks in this $41 top. Wild.

Verge Girl has experienced success after success since Daniella and Natalia opened up their first store in Elizabeth Street Arcade, Brisbane back in 2007. Can I make you feel old for just a sec? The girls got their shit together at an alarmingly young age – they were only 17 and 19 years old.

My 27 year old ass after learning that.

After expanding to a second bricks and mortar store, Verge Girl went online in 2014, opening themselves up to the international market. And hoo boy, it was the right move to make with international orders now making up about 60% of their revenue. Seems everyone is thirsty for a bit of Aussie flavour! This is enhanced by their social media marketing and influencer strategy, which is nothing short of serious business in 2020. And of course it doesn’t hurt sales when Ariana Grande of all people chooses to wear your brand to celebrate her birthday.

You can snap up this ridiculously cute iso friendly fit that Ari did not thank u, next here.

And in inspiring news, Verge Girl’s sales have not only remained stable, but increased during the pandemic, going as far as them to hire extra staff. You LOVE to see it.

We picked the brains of founders Daniella Dionyssiou and Natalie Suesskow, now 30 and 32, to get an understanding of what it’s like to start a business, and hopefully harness the powers of their success.

PTV: How did you start Verge Girl? What were the first steps/what do you wish you’d done earlier to set things up?

We opened our first store in Brisbane City in 2007. Nat was 17  and Dan was 19 – babies!!. We borrowed 30K from our parents to be able to buy the stock to fill the store and literally went from there.

We have always made it our mission to provide young women with affordable and cool clothing with a major focus on styling. We wanted to help young women feel confident and cool without breaking the bank. We started our online store 7 years ago which completely blew our expectations. We are now purely an online based company.

If we could change one thing, it would be the confidence to start out own online store earlier.

What did you not expect to be so easy?

Creating a community of women who are passionate about the same things has come so naturally. It’s amazing when you stick to something you really love and create a brand around that, how people gravitate to it.

What is it like working as a partnership? How do you resolve differences?

Luckily, working together as sisters has always been amazing for us. As we grew, our strengths and roles became more defined and we very much are in our own lanes now.

Daniella is very organised and business minded while Natalie is quite the opposite and is very creative and fluid. This makes for the perfect business partners, and it is so important to have different strengths to take charge of different areas.

That’s not to say we don’t have our differences – because we do! But we try to resolve them quickly by communicating.

What is your top advice for anyone looking at starting a business right now?

Find your own niche and stick to it.

We do what we really love and we do what is true to our brand. It is really important to not be distracted by everyone around you.

Also, don’t let challenges and slow/hard times get you down.. Persevere and it will pay off. Obviously now is a little harder but that’s not to say it will be like this forever. Start now.