Blow Us Down With A Feather, Sydney’s Copping A Pop-Up Nollsie Bar

If you were around the Cronulla area over the weekend, you would have spotted a rather large mural of Condobolin‘s best boy towering over Kingsway and Wilbar Ave, a fuck-off massive dedication to Shannon Noll. And if you weren’t in the area, I’m sure you probably saw it on one of your (many) timelines.

Sprayed up by Scott Marsh, the ‘yuge depiction of a man who was robbed of his title as Australian Idol by known heart-crusher Osher Günsberg is not for naught, though. The building that the big pic is slapped up on is El Sol – a mexican food spot & bar that is transforming into ‘El Noll‘ on May 20.

It’s hard to miss – the looming mural of the boy from the bush with his chest emblazoned with a southern cross tattoo (a bit of a contentious move in Cronulla, but ya know), watching over the Sutho Shire like a guardian of suburbs and sunburn.

The cantina will open up with a bunch of DJs and live bands and a “secret headliner” – if it’s Nollsie himself you can go and ask him about getting back that whipper-snipper you lent him a coupla months ago, now that the ol’ ball & chain is asking why ya haven’t trimmed the hedges in a while if ya know what I mean.

As reported by The Brag, the chilli-sauce-adoring foodie heaven will be running a spesh Nollsie menu on the day, including ‘Mexican Shannon Rolls’, ‘What About Beans’ and a refreshing ‘Shangria’. Yew bewdyyyyy. Cheers mates hoo roo.