Enable Yr Pupper / Kitty To Live Their Best Life With These Chic Pet Gifts

There isn’t a pet owner alive who doesn’t believe their lil’ pup or kitty is the most blessed being in the universe. They’re basically a Millennial’s version of a child – be honest, you’d gladly live on Mi Goreng for 2 weeks if it means you can buy bebe Samwise Gamgee the cat a new scratching post made of artisanal wood, right? Right. 

There are pleeeenty of lush pet accessories out there – some more affordable than others – and we feel it’s our duty to give you the heads up on the seriously fab stuff you can spend your hard-earned cash on when it comes to your doggo or meow-man. Here’s the ultimate round up from ’round the web.

Tell everyone who stops to pet your dog in the street that this ain’t no run-of-the-mill, pleb dog. No way, this is a chic designer pup. Whether you’ve gone the pure-breed route, or rescued your baby from the pound (side note, putting a rescue dog in LV? That is Pretty Woman: Dog Edition in a nutshell) this lush collar screams “I only eat the finest canned food, and I won’t cast my eye over anything less”. 

Let’s be real – cat scratchers can be kind of gross. The standard pole-covered-in-twine version probably doesn’t work in your new digs now that you’re a fancy person with a career, so why not invest in one that’s basically a work of art like this guy? Seriously, if no one told us otherwise we’d probably think it was some up and coming sculpture piece. That a cat decided to use as a nail file.
Yes, your pet is eating what is essentially glorified meat mush. Who knows what’s in dog/cat food tbh – even when it’s the fancy stuff it generally involves chicken feet or whatever offal is. But does that mean your pooch/kittycat should have to slum it with the rest of the pets out there and use a plastic bowl? Hell. No. This Jonathan Adler one is legit 800 buckeroonies because it’s made of bloody lucite and brass. Surely the most expensive pet food holder in existence, right?

Walkies have never looked so expensive. This imported leather baby has equestrian-inspired gold details because that’s Ralph Lauren’s schtick, and it’s a cool $645, but is there a price you can put on having the most fashionable pup at the dog park. No, there isn’t.
You could store your dogs poo-bags by tying them ’round their leash. Or, you could buy this $73 personalised leather holder for them. Yep, you can get your dogs name embossed on one side, so no one – no one – can steal Ignatius III’s poop holders again.
There is nothing more adorable than tiny human clothes on dogs. And while those cheap “suits” you can get are prob insanely uncomfortable for your pupper, whereas this cotton tee is equal parts stylish and max comfort. Wear a human one and you’ll be the worst/best dog parent ever.
Want to shower your pet with all the expensive life things in the world? How ’bout entering our lil’ competition with Set For Life right here, and give winning $20k a try:

Images: Supplied.