Prepare To See These 5 Achingly Cool Tattoo Trends Everywhere In 2019

It goes without saying that before you get a new tattoo, you want to be sure (or as sure as you possibly can be) that the design is something you still love when you’re old af.

And while we don’t really subscribe to the idea of tattoo trends because, hey, that shit’s permanent, we do like keeping abreast of what everybody else in the tattoo space if frothing. Why? Because there are usually some seriously cool tatt ideas to be found among the ink-obsessed.

Pinterest, home of everything from wedding decor to ‘ink-spo’ have just gone and compiled their data to bring us a wrap-up of the tatt designs to know as part of their 2019 Global Tattoo Report.

We’ve trawled through the extensive list to bring you the standout themes, including new subjects and edgy design styles, so you know what all your options before you go and get inked.

Scroll down to see the five tattoo trends spiking on Pinterest right now.

1. Red Ink Tattoos

Searches for red ink tattoos are up a whopping 2401% and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why – they look bloody incred.

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Source: Pinterest

2. Pride Tattoos

Folks are wearing their hearts on their sleeves (literally) with a surge in pride-themed ink. “Lesbian tattoos” searches are up 1512%, as are “transgender tattoos” (1131%) and “gay pride tattoos” (470%).

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

3. Line Tattoos

Minimalism is here to stay, with the breakout tattoo trend of last still increasing in popularity. Demand for the search continues to rise 471%:

Source: Pinterest

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Source: Pinterest

4. 3D Tattoos

This one’s a newbie, with trippy in-your-face designs starting to crop up everywhere. Searches for “3D tattoos” are up 491%.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

3D Tattoos  - Imgur

Source: Pinterest

5. Self-Love/Inspirational Tattoos

Last but not least is self-love ink, which is up 1320%, beaten only by “inspirational tattoo” searches at a 1448% increase.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

love the minimalism

Source: Pinterest