Legendary Kid Delivers Flawless Lob Against Roger Federer To Win Rally

World number 2 Roger Federer has been fouled by a humble li’l kid in jeans at Madison Square Garden overnight, as a friendly rally was staged in between Fed’s exhibition match against Grigor Dimitrov. 

A young kid emerged from the crowd to take up a challenge against the tennis legend, in a rally that started off with a serious serve from Feds—no child play here—which The Kid valiantly kept pace with. So much so, that a perfectly-delivered lob while Federer hung close to the net landed him a point against Roger M.F Federer. 

Feds was as surprised as you were. “There’s obviously something wrong with him. He’s taken off his shoes and one of his socks, actually…I think he’s crying.”

*bites collar nervously*

Watch below. A hero is born.