WELL, IT HAPPENED: Armed Thieves Used Pokémon Go To Lure & Rob Players

I guess it was a tedious inevitability right? You’ve no doubt seen the gaggles of teens (and adult teens) congregated around city landmarks in enormous nerd-packs, furiously catching and battling their Pokémon in augmented reality app Pokémon Go. Anyone who has would see the limitless potential for crime – and perhaps a serial killer renaissance.

We’re not quite there yet, but armed robbers in Missouri allegedly used the insanely popular app to lure players into secluded areas where they could be robbed.
“Using the geolocation feature,” said police sergeant Bill Stringer, “the robbers were able to anticipate the location and level of seclusion of unwitting victims.”

A further statement from police confirmed the method. “You can add a beacon to a pokestop to lure more players. Apparently they were using the app to locate [people] standing around in the middle of a parking lot or whatever other location they were in.”

The perpetrators were caught and charged with first degree robbery, a felony, and had bond set at $100,000 cash.

This is probably society’s first experience of a truly mass-market augmented reality app which genuinely compels people to leave their house and walk around aimlessly with their face glued to their phone. This obviously is a gigantic flashing invitation for ne’er-do-wells to do massive crimes.
Massive crimes. C’mon guys. Don’t be foolish out there when you’re catching Snorlaxes or whatever it is you’re doing.
Photo: Pokemon Go.