Turnbull Met Mike Pence & Looked Like An Excited Schoolboy The Whole Time

Despite our finest efforts to encourage direct political action, Mike Pence is cruising through his Saturday in Sydney without being savagely double-dacked – probably because of the insane security procedures accompanying his visit. 

Pence is here as part of a tour through Southeast Asia and the Pacific, but there’s an obvious diplomatic reason for his presence in Australia. Namely the fact that his boss “Big” Donny Trump made Turnbull eat shit on their first phone call back on February. A visit from the more measured (but equally deranged) Pence was sure to smooth that over.
Here they are, looking like twin investment bankers at Admiralty House:

“As I told Prime Minister Turnbull today, Australia will and always be one of America’s strongest allies and truest friends,” Pence said, a slightly more diplomatic statement compared to Trump’s verbal rinsing of Turnbull over the blower.

Pence also met Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce. In the following picture, Barnaby is presumably asking Mike whether he illicitly brought any dogs with him on the plane. Geddit? The Johnny Depp thing? Eh, fuhgeddaboutit.
Turnbull and Pence held a joint press conference at Kirribilli House, where Turnbull reiterated that Australia and America are “in total lockstep” when it comes to “utterly destroying” ISIS. He also looked like a bloody excited schoolboy to have Pence there, like when you invited one of your mates over in 1996 to check out your new Nintendo 64.

And yet, Pence goes tragically undacked. Sometimes it is painfully, painfully obvious that there is no justice in the world.

Source: Twitter / PMO.
Photo: Twitter.