Splendour In The Grass Tips

This time tomorrow the entire Pedestrian offices will be transported to a (hopefully) spacious Winnebago located in the pristine surrounds of Woodford in Queensland. We assume that some of our readers will be joining us (say hi, we’ll be the ones with gumboots, sunglasses and a yellow ribbon in our hair) so we’d thought we’d run through a final round of tips for all you punters making the trek to Splendour In The Grass this weekend. First port of call is this video…

We don’t condone feigning any kind of terminal illness, wearing a condom at all times or any transaction which involves a “wristy” and obscuring the view of those behind you – but we agree with Jaydos’ “go where the festival takes you” ethos. Also, you might want to heed Jaydos’ advice to avoid the Tipi Forest at all costs but not for reasons involving lecherous old hippies. Avoid it because the Tipi Forest is the closest thing Planet Earth has to a real world representation of Inception’s plot.

Now to the weather report! Even though precipitation is Mother Nature’s perennial Splendour In The Grass vibe killer, the above seven day forecast predicts only some rainfall for the next three days. Even then, Saturday’s outlook is mostly sunny and Friday’s rainfall, much like the integrity of your personal hygiene, will come in the form of scattered showers. Oh man, that just wrote itself. If you want to avoid cultivating mould on your favourite items of clothing, we’d suggest stocking up on ponchos beforehand or visiting Splendour’s own “Very Small Mall”. You can even pick up a limited edition Lover poncho if your desire to look good outweighs your desire to stay dry.

If you weren’t able to wrangle a ticket we suggest following PEDESTRIAN’S TWITTER and FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS for a host of Splendour In The Grass updates, news, pictures and interviews. You can also experience Splendour vicariously through a live stream of The Temper Trap’s set here. Please avoid wallowing in self-pity.

Finally, and we don’t need a German festival tragedy to remind us of this, but please take care of each other. Weird things happen at festivals which is part of the charm no doubt but if a stranger is in trouble or looking remotely like they’re in trouble please call for assistance. Splendour’s health and safety checklist is the only part of the site that should be required reading before you leave.

If you, in your accumulated festival wisdom, have any other tips to add please let us and your fellow readers know in the comments below. Until Monday, we bid you adieu.

Title Image by Luke Latty