Sky Ferreira Pens Facebook Post On All The Messed Up Comments And ‘Abusive Shit’

In this, the Age of Digital Fuckwittery, marked by the large number of uninteresting saddos who think it’s cute to spew abusive, deeply unproductive word stains on any and every ‘Comment’ area, we have also seen countless ‘rants’ in response by people with varying levels of fame and popularity. A lot of paragraphs on both sides will, thankfully, never gain media traction but there are still some that do need to be shared.

Recent Miss Vogue cover human Sky Ferreira, whose upcoming tour we are absolutely psyched to be supporting, has written a facebook post on her experiences with The Fuckwits. Whatever your feelings towards her as an artist, or as a person (based on how well you know her…), the fact that there are some who have been “making fun” of her for sexual abuse that happened to her and that she has spoken out about in the past is, to put it incredibly lightly, so unchill. This, and all the other hate that has been festering yet excused online for years, requires a change of attitude that isn’t going to happen without people like Ferreira who, like it or not, have a reach and will actually be heard when they speak out.

The post:
I’m exhausted of (more than some) people telling me how I should look or be if I want to be a “pop star” & how they think it’s okay to say vile & (sexually) abusive shit to me on a daily basis over the internet. I’m not only writing about myself…because almost every person has to deal with this. It’s a shame because I now feel like I can’t connect or directly speak with true fans. I’m not a mess,I’m not a drug addict, I’m not a slut or a bitch. I recently blocked someone because they were constantly harassing me & making fun of sexual abuse that happened in my past…Which I’ve publicly spoken about to hopefully help others. They came to one of my shows & my friend confronted the person.We were accused of being homophobic after. Which is absolutely insane because my friends,my family & a majority of my fans are homosexual. Sexuality,gender,race,& age are irrelevant to me. As it should be for everyone by now. Treating people like shit because you feel like shit doesn’t help anyone. If you see hateful/disgusting/abusive comments,please start reporting it or deleting it. I think that’s the only way we can start to lower that sort of thing from happening. Use the internet as a way to connect with others & LEARN. Show & spread compassion. <33333

PS: Sorry for the typos

Usually within these sort of conversations there is a vast majority of people who support the ‘just don’t look at it’ approach but, as she points out, that kind of social media wham-bam post and ignore approach means that genuine dialogue and fan interaction becomes limited. Plus, it makes that kind of bullshit acceptable and ¯_(“~)_/¯, which just makes it okay for everyone to keep calling you sluts and whores.
