‘It Might Get Loud’ – very loud!

“When the three of us get together, what’s gonna happen? probably a fist fight…” – Jack White

Sitting inside Pedestrian HQ, on another one of those glorious winter days global warming has thrown our way of late, one could be forgiven for daydreaming about the Sunday arvo just spent lazing round with a beer in hand and The Dead Weather cranked to 11.

What could be better than the Jack White teaming up with members of the Kills and Queens of the Stone Age! Nothing right?

Well how about him hitting the studio with two of the world’s most legendary, iconic and influential guitarists of all time, Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) and The Edge (U2)! Check out the trailer for It Might Get Loud, a new documentary by Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) on exactly that and tell us what you think.

You didn’t have to be a scientist to appreciate his last film, so it may just inspire you to give the Ashton a shake, get your plectrum back and continue where you left off last time you thought you were a muso (I still can’t get through stairway to heaven without fucking up).