Here Are A Bunch Of Ways To Stay Energised This Week If TikTok Has You Getting Four Hours Sleep

In our modern world, we’re all grinding for money. And what do you need to make money? Energy. 

Not the type of energy that comes from your ‘leccy socket but the energy that comes from within. The kind that makes you jump out of bed and say hello to your annoying neighbours and actually get through your work day with spice instead of getting sucked into a TikTok black hole. 

If you’re anything like me, this feeling naturally arrives… one day a month. 

So, I asked around to see what other people are doing to stay awake and actually feel a zest for life throughout the working week. Here’s what you can do to stay energised this week.


It turns out the wellness girlies were right. You actually feel better when you take care of yourself. Yes, I know we’re starting with the most boring answer but sadly it’s true. One of my colleagues said that pilates at Sydney’s Lagree Fit has been a Godsend. I knew the pilates princesses were on to something. 

Good nutrition, proper sleep, adequate water, and moving your body can help you to have more energy in general. If you really want to pump up the energy, why not take a dancing class?

Pump up the jam

One thing adults don’t do enough of? Dancing around their bedrooms to the ultimate pop banger. We seemed to do it more often when we had the energy of teenagers but, as someone who engaged in this activity yesterday, I can confirm it really helps your motivation and energy levels.

Simply grab your headphones, put on your fave playlist and dance like no one is watching (because they really aren’t). We’re so used to being on camera and ~perceived~ on social media these days that losing yourself in a song can really make you feel energised and get that body moving, baby.

Bungee jump

Yeah, we’re really going for the jugular here.

You want to feel alive? Go bungee jumping or skydiving. I can guarantee that you’ll have that zest for life back faster than you can yell “****!!!” out of an aeroplane. Fresh air, a new experience and adrenaline-rushing-fun? Sign us up.

There are a few bungee jumping locations close to Sydney if you feel so inclined this week.

Ice bath

We know it’s kind of a cliche at this point. But turns out that taking an ice bath legit helps you stay energised. It seems counterproductive when your limbs are stiffer than a board and your skin turns purple but, science says that an ice bath can help your central nervous system stay alert which (surprisingly) then helps with your sleep cycle. Go off, ice baths.

You can head to an ice bath in Bondi (unsurprising), make your own in your backyard with an inflatable pool and you guessed it, ice, or simply jump in the freezing ocean during winter. That would probably be cheaper.

So, take your work-life balance as seriously as you take your TikTok-sending-to-your-best-friend-at-1am. Actually think about what you’re putting into your body (and how you’re moving it) and don’t forgo the adrenaline-pumping adventures in life like skydiving and ice baths.

If that still isn’t cutting it, then Ryde has three new wellbeing shots for you to try. 

There’s Energy, a 60ml tropical-flavoured shot containing caffeine from Guarana Seeds and B vitamins that works with you in those moments when you need a jump start. Focus (which tastes like orange and contains L-Theanine and vitamins) that de-fuzzes and fuels your mind for when you need a light bulb moment. And Relax, which eases your mind and is formulated with Chamomile and lemon balm to help you unwind.

I hope I can impart more wisdom onto you soon, but I’m going to try this whole ice bath thing out again.