I Used A Sitcom Audience Soundboard To Soundtrack My Life For An Arvo and Here’s How It Went

I’m a huge sitcom fan. An evening doesn’t go by where I don’t chuck one on for a bit of a detox – there’s nothing better than a predictable storyline, studio audience and a moral to chuck a smile on your face. But in this day and age, with sitcoms like How I Met Your Father or It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, studio audiences don’t really exist.

I don’t know about you, but I miss them. So I decided for an episode-length-long moment of my life, I’d bring them back. With the average episode usually going for 20 minutes, I decided to block out exactly that long out of my day and fill it with the joy of a late 90’s sitcom sounds. I found a soundboard online and used it to respond to my own life.

On the way out of my study, I stubbed my foot on the door – the perfect time for the crowd to erupt in laughter, so I hit that laugh track button hard. My little experiment was not off to a good start, but felt like a perfect cold open for my own little sitcom episode. This kicked off my opening theme, but with just me and my dog home today, it’s not a very big supporting cast.

I’m pretty boring when it comes to killing time solo, so I thought some great sitcom moments might come with my dog. There’s some lousy weather here in Melbourne on the day I’m doing this, and my dog’s looking at me with puppy dog eyes wondering when we’ll get to go for a walk.

I took my mind to early sitcoms and hit the ‘aww’ button, prompting me to grab the umbrella and my dog’s puffer jacket to go for a walk. I can’t believe a fake studio audience that I’m controlling made me feel so bad.

The whole ordeal was actually pretty uneventful in the end, so I hit the tumbleweed sound effect. And hey, I know I’m pressing the buttons myself here, but you’d be surprised at how depressing a tumbleweed sounds at the right moment.

We were only out for about 5 minutes before turning back around, and I pressed the boo button from my pocket – the crowd weren’t happy I’d stopped. Then I looked at my watch, 20 minutes was up, and this seemed like the perfect place to leave my fake audience on a cliffhanger – will my dog forgive me? See what happens next week.

hell yeah laughing GIF by joecappa

I’m not weird, there’s a perfectly good reason I’m doing this, PEDESTRIAN.TV is getting into the TV game. We’re launching a channel, and it’s got 24/7 chaos, plus a bunch of killer comedy.

If you’re a fan of the sitcom world, it’s got arguably one of the best of all time, Just Shoot Me!, the classic starring icons like David Spade, Wendie Malick, and George Segal.

You can catch it on PEDESTRIAN TELEVISION via 9Now here.