57% Of Aussies Admit To Stealing From Their Mates’ Eskies & Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

It’s officially summer, folks. The music’s pumping and eskies are getting full but we know how quickly those drinks can go sometimes. You’re there, chatting to some random whose name you’ve already forgotten, and you realise you’ve already gone through your stash.

But there are a few more drinks lying around – you could easily sneak a couple of whatever bevs Steve’s brought. You’re over the random beer you’ve brought anyway.

Does this sound criminal to you? Well, we’ve done the research and asked y’all about your drink-thieving behaviour. In my best discerning dad voice, let me say, “I’m very disappointed in all of you.”

Ennis Esmer Nbc GIF by Blindspot

Our first question to you lot was about how many of you have had stuff stolen from your eskies. A whopping 75% of folks out there have had something nicked from their esky – your hard-earned bevs going down someone else’s human drain, how sad.

We all know exactly who it is too, that mate who never shouts yet earns more than all of us put together. Have I said too much?

Next up, we got to the bottom of the big question: how many of you actually have actually stolen drinks? Well, 57% of y’all admitted to being a bit sneaky.

I’m crossing my fingers and toes that you’ve only done it after it’s been done to you – otherwise, I don’t think we can be friends…

Bear Camping GIF by Oakland Zoo

Last up, we asked you if you reckon drink thieving is good or bad. This is where we can all finally have a little more faith in humanity because 63% of folks out there reckon it’s a little naughty.

In good news for those who have been victims of drink theft, the legends over at Canadian Club are coming to the rescue to refill your eskies this summer. All you’ve got to do to throw your hat in the ring for a 10-pack of Canadian Clubs is dob in the cheeky drink thief who’s done you dirty. There are thousands of packs up for grabs, so if you have a killer story, you’re in with a chance!

You can check out some more info and dob in your dodgy drink thief, HERE.