WATCH: This Irish Farmer’s Accent Is So Thick Even The Irish Are Baffled

Obscure and unintelligible provincial accents are the greatest thing in the word, and nobody does an obscure and unintelligible provincial accent like the Irish.

Speaking as a man born of fine Irish stock, I like to think I have an innate ability to understand most accents from Dublin to Belfast to Cork. This farmer talking about his stolen sheep on RTÉ News? Completely, completely beyond me. 
This man is speaking an ancient Celtic tongue. He is speaking the language of a race of faeries long lost to the sands of time. My dude here is speaking the sound of the cold northern winds blowing across the hills and dales of a united Ireland free of English interlopers.
Even the Irish are having serious issues deciphering this bloke’s chat:

Go on mate. Live your truth. Also, I hope you find your sheep.
Source: Twitter.
Photo: Twitter.