WATCH: New Marriage Equality Campaign Asks Pollies To Do Their Bloody Job

It’s become something of a cliché to be like “It’s [current year] why does [X] still happen??“, but, I mean, for reals: it’s 2017, why the fuck do we still not have marriage equality? That’s a rhetorical question; the reason we don’t is because the state of our politics is currently controlled by some very backwards conservatives and when it wasn’t it was controlled by some nominal progressives who only came around to same-sex marriage shockingly recently.
After the shitty, not-really-a-solution plebiscite was canned (for very good reason), the Government committed themselves to taking no further action on marriage equality before the next election, leaving us in the same shitty position for close to another three years.
Luckily, though, people are fighting for it. Australian Marriage Equality have been tirelessly pushing for awareness and action in the effort to finally see Australia‘s same-sex attracted people given the same rights and privileges as their not-so-same-sex-attracted counterparts.
Today they’ve kicked off their biggest campaign to date, hammering home the message that the queer community has their together enough to get stuck in and do their jobs, and our government should be doing exactly the same.
They’re also asking people to get involved by faxing their local MP asking them to finally sort this shit out. Don’t own a fax? Duh, no one owns a fax – except your local representatives apparently, and you can easily send them one via this handy online tool.
Check out the video below:
Source and photo: AME.