Men Wearing Skirts Is Hot As Fuck And We Should All Applaud The Degendering Of Fashion

Contributor: James Parr

Fashion has become more inclusive and diverse than ever before with the rise of a movement aimed at degendering fashion. Part of this movement has included men and people who are masculine presenting wearing skirts, dresses or any pieces of clothing that have been “made for women”. It’s starting to become more socially acceptable for everyone to experiment with style and I welcome this energy.

I have “pleated” guilty to wearing a skirt a number of times. The first time I wore a skirt was back in high school when we all dressed up in the opposite uniform and let me tell you, it was comfy AF.

Celebrities also seem to be getting on board with the trend, with stars like Conan Gray, Oscar Isaac and Pete Davidson being spotted in skirts (and if you’ve heard those rumours about Pete, we understand why he just wants to let it hang).

So, apart from it being super comfy, here’s why men wearing skirts is way more than just a hot style trend.

Fashion is all about expressing oneself and clothing is a form of self-expression. If we limit men / masculine presenting people to only wearing certain types of clothing, we are basically dictating how people can express themselves and the feeling of being different if they choose to do so.

It is disheartening that some men are concerned about feeling effeminate and that it is not socially acceptable for men to experiment or express themselves through fashion in the same way that women can.

Although it is typically perceived as uncommon, it is important to understand that wearing a skirt does not have any inherent gender association and it leaves me to wonder why it is seen as socially acceptable for women to wear men’s clothing and not the other way around.

The idea that skirts are only meant for women is a social construct that has been internalised. In many cultures around the world, men have worn skirts for centuries. Men wearing Scottish kilts originated in the first quarter of the 18th century and is a symbol of honour with the clan they belong to. And in East Africa, the kanzu is a traditional dress that is worn by Swahili men.

So, the concept of gender and gender roles has evolved and still is evolving, and as society becomes more accepting of gender fluidity, it is important to recognise that clothing is not a binary concept. Meaning there is no reason why clothing should be gendered.

James Parr is a proud Wiradjuri man, activist, model and writer. Follow him on Instagram.