Facebook Offices As Glorious As You’d Expect

There’s more to working for Mark Zuckerberg than crunching numbers, poking and insufferable Social Media talk. Just look at Facebook’s breezy Palo Alto office. Peep the strategically placed fixies, CDJ’s and Swedish furniture that litter its confines. Pretty sweet right? But not that surprising considering Zuckerberg’s banks gazillions of (internet) dollars.

Anyway, I used to wish I lived in a mall. Now I wish I could live in Facebook’s offices. Or at least work for Facebook. Then I could be on Facebook all day and call that shit work, then ride my fixie to the other end of the compound and spin some mad beats. How does anything get done? I wonder if a slide connects split levels? Do they lob nerf balls around during group meetings? Where’s the ping pong table at? So many questions.

Unfortunately the folks responsible, Corporate Planning and Design firm Studio O+A answer none of them: “Formerly a lab facility for Agilent Technologies, a manufactures of high-tech measurement devices, the restored complex now becomes a lab of different sort – for measuring the intangibles of creativity and social interaction. Facebook wanted its new headquarters to reflect its values – freedom of expression, individuality and creativity.”

ee the office here