Aldi’s New Sleeping Bag Onesie Miraculously Isn’t An April Fool’s Stitch-Up

Contrary to all evidence and common sense, German bargain-centre ALDI really has launched a sleeping bag onesie – or should I say, OneZee – on April Fool’s Day. And they’re swearing up and down that it’s real. 
Even though one of the promo pics is THIS:
People sure are taking them at their word, commenting on a Facebook post in a bid to win one of the (admittedly comfy-looking) monstrosities:
imagine this, but in sleeping bags
What can we say: if it’s a gee-up, you gotta give them props for sticking to it. And if not – I’ll take a hundred in various sizes thanks Aldi. Nuclear winter ain’t gonna catch this guy by surprise.
Source: Daily Mail.
Image: ALDI.